Monday, September 17, 2012

Agenda, September 18

Coming Thursday: We're going to the library to check out personal reading books.
Due Tuesday, September 25: Test on Vocab List 1 and Elements of Literature

Today's learning targets:
I can use brainstorming and freewriting to generate ideas for a story.
I can identify a sentence with a correctly punctuated serial comma (C-8 in your Grammar Decoder)
I can use vocabulary words to predict the plot of a short story.
I can define foreshadowing, symbolism, and theme.
I can use a graphic organizer to apply the elements of literature to a narrative song.

  1. Comma Rule #1: The Serial Comma - is it punctuated correctly?
  2. Freewrite #3: Write about a time you wanted (to do) something very much.
  3. What good readers do ...
  4. Vocab Prediction Stories
  5. Foreshadowing and Symbolism
  6. "Initiation," by Sylvia Plath

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