Thursday, December 19, 2013

Agenda, December 19

Late:"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" handout
Due today at the end of class: Final Draft of short story   

Today's Learning Targets:
I can show what I know on a quiz.

I can practice good reading strategies while watching an American classic.
  1. Quiz
  2. Typing Time, if you haven't finished
  3. "A Keaton Carol"

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Agenda, December 18

Due Now: Rough draft of short story 
Due Yesterday:"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" handout
Due today at the end of class: Final Draft of short story   
Coming Tomorrow: Quiz on short stories and elements of literature
Vocab Quiz Makeups and Retakes will be Wednesday at 2 pm in B106. You will need to arrange your own transportation.  

Today's Learning Targets:
I can use technology to improve my writing

  1. Typing Time
  2. When you finish, study for tomorrow's quiz

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Agenda, December 17

Late: Parent Signature on Your Progress Report
Due today at the end of class: Rough draft of short story 

Due today at the end of class:"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" handout
Due Wednesday at the end of class: Final Draft of short story   
Coming Thursday, 12/19: Quiz on short stories and elements of literature
Vocab Quiz Makeups and Retakes will be Wednesday at 2 pm in B106. You will need to arrange your own transportation.  

Today's Learning Targets:
I can practice the skills good readers use.
I can write an effective opening to a short story.
I can apply the elements of literature to the stories we've read.

  1. Amusing Plagiarism Video
  2. Quiz Review
  3. Exploding the moment
  4. Finish "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty"
  5. Writing Time

Monday, December 16, 2013

Agenda, December 16

Late: Parent Signature on Your Progress Report
Due Tuesday at the end of class: Rough draft of short story 

Due Tuesday at the end of class:"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" handout
Due Wednesday at the end of class: Final Draft of short story   
Coming Thursday, 12/19: Quiz on short stories and elements of literature
Vocab Quiz Makeups and Retakes will be Wednesday at 2 pm in B106. You will need to arrange your own transportation.  

Today's Learning Targets:
I can practice the skills good readers use.

I can write an effective opening to a short story.
I can apply the elements of literature to the stories we've read.

  1. Three Openings
  2. What do you know about plagiarism?
  3. Writing Time / Reading "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty"
  4. Quiz Review

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Agenda, Lucky December the 13th

Due Now: Parent Signature on Your Progress Report
Due Tuesday at the end of class: Rough draft of short story
Due Wednesday at the end of class: Final Draft of short story   
Coming Thursday, 12/19: Quiz on short stories and elements of literature  

Today's Learning Targets:

I can practice the skills good readers use.

I can show what I know on a quiz.
I can use the plot pyramid to organize my ideas for a story.
  1. Progress Report Collection Time!
  2. Quiz Time
  3. "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty"
  4. The Plot Pyramid and You

Agenda, December 12

Due Now: Parent Signature on Your Progress Report
Coming Tomorrow: Vocab Quiz 1

Due Tuesday: Rough draft of short story
Due Wednesday at the end of class: Final Draft of short story  
Coming Thursday, 12/19: Quiz on short stories and elements of literature  

Today's Learning Targets:
I can use a free write to generate ideas.

I can compare two videos made in different eras.
I can practice the skills good readers do.
  1. Progress Report Collection Time!
  2. Freewrite #5: Write about a daydream (or a daydreamer) OR Write about an adventure
  3. Do stories have to follow the plot pyramid?
  4. "Walter Mitty" Video Venn Diagram
  5. "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty"

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Agenda, December 11

Late: "Jump Away" Text Analysis Assignment
Due Now: Bring your planner
Coming Friday: Vocab Quiz 1
Coming Thursday, 12/19: Quiz on short stories and elements of literature  

Today's Learning Targets:
I can reflect on the quality of my own work.
I can identify the elements of characterization in a story.  
I can use the grammar decoder to improve my own conventions.
I can use images to build my understanding of SAT level vocabulary.
  1. Progress Report Party Time!
  2. Elements of Characterization Review
  3. Grammar Decoder with Hobby Paragraph
  4. Vocabulary Slide Show

Monday, December 9, 2013

Agenda, December 10

Late: "Jump Away" Text Analysis Assignment
Due Tomorrow: Bring your planner

Coming Friday: Vocab Quiz 1
Coming Thursday, 12/19: Quiz on short stories and elements of literature  

Today's Learning Targets:
I can define the elements of characterization.

I can identify the elements of characterization in a story.
I can create well-developed characters.
  1. Vocab Review
  2. Story Review
  3. Elements of Characterization
  4. Writing Time
  5. Debrief

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Agenda, December 9

Due Now: "Jump Away" Text Analysis Assignment
Coming Friday: Vocab Quiz 1
Coming Thursday, 12/19: Quiz on short stories and elements of literature 

Today's Learning Targets:
I can use a freewrite to generate ideas.
I can recall the five types of conflicts.
I can read independently, practicing the skills good readers use.
I can define four different types of characters.
I can identify examples of the character types.
  1. Freewrite #4: Write about your friends / family OR Write about a prank you played or had played on you.
  2. Review Conflict
  3. Preview Text
  4. Read Independently: "Fish Eyes"
  5. Whole class discussion
  6. Four Types of Characters  

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Agenda, December 6

Late: One original sentence for each vocab word, shared via google doc.
Late: Post a friendly comment to the blog. Bookmark the blog while you're at it.
Today's Learning Targets:
I can write a well-organized, well-developed paragraph.
I can define theme.
I can identify the theme of a short story and support my interpretation with evidence.

  1. Say 10 Words
  2. Hobby Paragraph
  3. "Jump Away"

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Agenda, December 5

Due at the end of class yesterday: One original sentence for each vocab word, shared via google doc.
Late: Post a friendly comment to the blog. Bookmark the blog while you're at it.
Today's Learning Targets:
I can use a freewrite to generate ideas.
I can define theme.
I can identify the theme of a short story and support my interpretation with evidence.

  1. Freewrite #3: Write about a dare or write a story that involves a river
  2. Start thinking about tomorrow's paragraph today!
  3. "Jump Away"

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Agenda, December 4

Due at the end of class today: One original sentence for each vocab word, shared via google doc.
Late: Post a friendly comment to the blog. Bookmark the blog while you're at it.
Today's Learning Targets:
I can find my way around the library.
I can use SAT Level Vocabulary Words in an original sentence.
I can share a google doc with my teachers.
  1. Library Orientation with Mr. Stull
  2. Word Processing Original Vocab Sentences

Monday, December 2, 2013

Agenda, December 3

Due Now: Bring your planner to class.
Late: Parent Signature on Syllabus 
Late: Completed Name Tag
Late: Post a friendly comment to the blog. Bookmark the blog while you're at it.
Today's Learning Targets:
I can define SAT Level Vocabulary Words
I can use a grammar decoder to correct my own conventions errors.
I can practice the skills good readers have: previewing, questioning, predicting, and connecting.
  1. 5 Vocab Words 
  2. Grammar Decoder Practice with Name Tag Paragraph
  3. “An American Childhood,” by Annie Dillard 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Agenda, December 2

Due Tomorrow: Bring your planner to class.
Late: Parent Signature on Syllabus 
Late: Completed Name Tag
Due Now: Post a friendly comment to the blog. For example, you could ask a question, tell me your favorite word (and explain why it's your favorite word), or post an interesting link. Be sure to use your best spelling, grammar, and punctuation. If you can't post to the blog, send me an e-mail. Bookmark the blog while you're at it.
Today's Learning Targets:
I can define SAT Level Vocabulary Words
I can use a freewrite to generate ideas for a story.
I can practice the skills good readers have: previewing, questioning, predicting, and connecting.
  1. 5 Vocab Words 
  2. Freewrite #2: Write about a snow day OR Tell me a story about getting in trouble.
  3. “An American Childhood,” by Annie Dillard