Friday, December 18, 2015

Agenda, December 18

Late: Typed final draft with all drafting materials (rough draft, original freewrite, completed plot pyramid, three openings exercise, mood paragraph, and revision exercises).   

Today's Learning Targets:

  • I can work with my classmates to properly punctuate dependent clauses.
  • I can compare my thoughts to a psychologist's thoughts.
  1. Mix it up
  2. Think happy thoughts

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Agenda, December 17

Due Today at the end of class: Typed final draft with all drafting materials (rough draft, original freewrite, completed plot pyramid, three openings exercise, mood paragraph, and revision exercises).   

Today's Learning Targets:

  • I can use technology to share and improve my writing. 
  1. Type even faster than the wind

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Agenda, December 16

Due Thursday at the end of class: Typed final draft with all drafting materials (rough draft, original freewrite, completed plot pyramid, three openings exercise, mood paragraph, and revision exercises).   

Today's Learning Targets:

  • I can use technology to share and improve my writing. 
  1. Type like the wind 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Agenda, December 15

Due Now: Rough draft of a short story based on one of your freewrites. Handwritten is okay.  
Coming Tomorrow: Laptops for typing final drafts.
Due Thursday at the end of class: Typed final draft with all drafting materials (rough draft, original freewrite, completed plot pyramid, three openings exercise, mood paragraph, and revision exercises).  

Today's Learning Targets:
  • I can take good writing and make it better.
  • I can help my classmates understand a story.
  1. Three Fine Words: run, happy, scared
  2. Exploding the Moment
  3. Revising Time
  4. Winning "The Bet" 

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Agenda, December 13

Due Dates
  • Due Tomorrow at the beginning of class: Rough draft of a short story based on one of your freewrites. Handwritten is okay. Laptops will be here on Wednesday and Thursday to type final drafts.
Today's Learning Targets:
  • I can create an effective mood. 
  • I can help my classmates understand a story.
  • I can develop an idea into a rough draft.
  1. Mood Paragraph
  2. Winning "The Bet"
  3. Drafting Time

Friday, December 11, 2015

Agenda, December 11

Due Dates
  • Do This Week: Go see Little Women! It's a world premier!
  • Due Tuesday at the beginning of class: Rough draft of a short story based on one of your freewrites. Handwritten is okay. Laptops will be here on Wednesday and Thursday to type final drafts.
Today's Learning Targets:
  • I can use a graphic organizer to develop my ideas.
  • I can share my ideas about a story with my classmates. 
  • I can write an engaging introduction.
  1. Story development
  2. "The Bet," by Anton Chekov
  3. Three Openings

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Agenda, December 10

Due Dates 
  • Late: "11 Things We Know About How The Brain Works"
  • Late: Post a friendly comment to the Blog
  • Do This Week: Go see Little Women! It's a world premier!
Today's Learning Targets:
  • I can break the plot pyramid.
  • I can use a freewrite to generate ideas.
  • I can practice good reading skills. 
  1. How can you mess with your readers?
  2. Freewrite #4: "Searching for a way out ..." OR Write about a time you won or lost a bet.
  3. "The Bet," by Anton Chekov

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Agenda, December 9

Due Dates
  • Late: "11 Things We Know About How The Brain Works"
  • Late: Post a friendly comment to the Blog
  • Do This Week: Go see Little Women! It's a world premier!
Today's Learning Targets:
  • I can write a complete, concise summary.
  • I can take good writing and make it better.
  • I can break the plot pyramid.
  • I can actively participate in whole class and small group discussions.
  1. IVF Summary #2
  2. How can you mess with your readers?
  3. Whole class discussion

Agenda, December 8

Due Dates
  • Late: "11 Things We Know About How The Brain Works"
  • Now: Post a friendly comment to the Blog
  • Do This Week: Go see Little Women! It's a world premier!
Today's Learning Targets:
  • I can take useful notes.
  • I can practice what good readers do.
  • I can write a complete, concise summary.
  • I can take good writing and make it better.
  1. What Good Readers Review
  2. "Just Deserts," by MT Anderson
  3. IVF Summary #2

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Agenda, December 7

Due Dates
  • Late: "11 Things We Know About How The Brain Works"
  • Tuesday: Post a friendly comment to the Blog
  • Do This Week: Go see Little Women! It's a world premier!
Today's Learning Targets:

  • I can use a freewrite to generate ideas.
  • I can take useful notes.
  • I can practice what good readers do.

  1. Freewrite #3: Writing from an image
  2. What Good Readers Do
  3. "Just Deserts," by MT Anderson

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Agenda, December 4

Due Dates
  • Late: Parent/Guardian Signature on Syllabus
  • Tuesday, December 8: Post a friendly comment to the Blog
Today's Learning Targets:
  • I can read non-fiction closely and critically.
  • I can infer the definition of dependent and independent clauses.

  1. Jargon Brainstorm
  2. Dependent and Independent Clauses Sorting Activity.
  3. Non-Fiction Friday

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Agenda, December 3

Due Dates
  • Late: Parent/Guardian Signature on Syllabus
  • Tuesday, December 8: Post a friendly comment to the Blog
Today's Learning Targets:
  • I can apply my knowledge of familiar terms to an unfamiliar text.
  • I can analyze a story for theme.
  • I can write an objective summary.
  1. "An American" Plot Pyramid
  2. IVF Summary
  3. Peer Review

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Agenda, December 2

Due Dates
  • Now: Parent/Guardian Signature on Syllabus
  • Tuesday, December 8: Post a friendly comment to the Blog
Today's Learning Targets:
  • I can use a freewrite to generate ideas.
  • I can apply my knowledge of familiar terms to an unfamiliar text.
  • I can analyze a story for theme.
  1. Freewrite #2: Write about a time you got in trouble OR "On the icy streets ..."
  2. Freytag's Plot Pyramid Review
  3. "An American Childhood," by Annie Dillard

Post Your Friendly Comment Here

  1. Click on the word "Comment" below this post. If you're the first person to post, it will say "No comments."
  2. Type your comment in the box that says "Enter your comment ..."
  3. Your comment could be about 1) a song you like and why you like it; OR 2) a book or movie you like and why you like it; OR 3) One of the things you like to do and why you like it. You can also include a link to a school appropriate web site you think I ought to see. Remember, this is the blog for a Language Arts class, so use your best spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  4. Click on the black arrow next to the "Comment as" box. Highlight and copy your comment in case there is an error when you go to publish.
  5. Select "Name/URL"
  6. Type in your first name, last initial, and period number. Leave the URL box blank.
  7. Click Publish.
  8. It will ask you to prove you're not a robot by entering a word or number. Please do so, unless you are a robot.
  9. You should receive the message "Your comment will be visible after approval." If you do not receive that message, something went wrong and you'll need to try again. If you try more than three times without success, send me an e-mail. You have my e-mail address on my welcome letter.

Agenda, December 1

Due Dates
  • Tomorrow: Parent/Guardian Signature on Syllabus
  • Tuesday, December 8: Post a friendly comment to the Blog
Today's Learning Targets:
  • I can use symbols to capture my personality.
  • I can work with others to review familiar literary terms.
  • I can take useful notes from a video.
  • I can apply my knowledge of familiar terms to an unfamiliar text.
  • I can correctly punctuate a simple sentence.
  1. A brave volunteer models making a comment
  2. Name Tag work time
  3. Do you recognize this?
  4. Freytag's Plot Pyramid Notes
  5. Apply your knowledge to this video
  6. Exit ticket: Write a correctly punctuated simple sentence about Thanksgiving Break OR your first full day of second trimester.
Name Tag Directions:

  • Fold your name tag like a book cover.
  • Write your name large enough for me to see it from across the room.
  • Include at least three symbols that represent your personality.
  • Use color