Monday, April 30, 2012

Agenda, April 30

Due Every day: Bring The Book Thief
Due Now: The Book Thief Study Questions
Due Now: The Book Thief, pages 173-204
Due Tomorrow: The Book Thief, pages 205-238
Due Tuesday: Pre-AP Vocab
Coming May 7-9: OAKS Reading Test
Today's Learning Targets:
I can connect to literature.
I can identify and evaluate poetic writing in a novel.
I can analyze a poem for theme.
  1. 10 minutes of catch-up time (listed in order of importance): Finish "Fight" poem; finish study questions, read ahead.
  2. Book Thief Notes 2: 1) Write about a promise you have kept or broken. You may write this as a narrative or a poem. 2) Would you have been able to keep Hans's promise?
  3. Listening: Pay attention to beautiful language.
  4. Book Thief Notes 2: Three examples of original writing.
  5. "How to Change a Frog Into a Prince"
  6. IVF on theme

Friday, April 27, 2012

Agenda, April 27

Due Every day: Bring The Book Thief
Due Now: Book Thief Quiz, 100-117
Due Now: The Book Thief, pages 138-156
Due Monday: The Book Thief, pages 173-204
Due Monday: The Book Thief Study Questions
Due Tuesday: Pre-AP Vocab
Coming May 7-9: OAKS Reading Test
Today's Learning Targets:
I can evaluate irony and theme in literature.
I can use line breaks to add meaning to my poem.
  1. Book Thief Notes 2: Give one detail about each "attribute of summer" listed on page 142.
  2. Book Thief Notes 2: What does Rudy mean when he says "This is the good life" on page 155? Is he right?
  3. Listening: Pages 157-170
  4. Book Thief Notes 2: What do we learn about good and evil in "Tricksters"?
  5. Your line breaks on the doc cam
  6. Finish "Fight"
  7. "How to Change a Frog Into a Prince"

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Agenda, April 26

Due Every day: Bring The Book Thief
Due Now: The Book Thief, pages 125-138
Due Tomorrow: The Book Thief, pages 142-156
Due Tomorrow: Book Thief Quiz, 100-117
Due Now: Pre-AP Vocab
Today's Learning Targets:
I can recall last night's reading.
I can invent my own interpretation of a "Fight."
I can use line breaks to add meaning to my poem.
  1. Write a "Fight"
  2. Lining Poems
  3. Book Thief Notes 2: Make a 10 event timeline about last night's reading (pages 118-138).
  4. Listening: "Enter the Struggler"

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Agenda, April 25

Due Every day: Bring The Book Thief
Due Now: The Book Thief, pages 101-117
Due Tomorrow: The Book Thief, pages 125-138
Due Tomorrow: Pre-AP Vocab
Today's Learning Targets:
I can recall last night's reading.
I can invent my own interpretation of a "Fight."
  1. Quiz / Reading Time
  2. Listening time: "Book of Fire"
  3. Book Thief Notes 2: Do one of the following: Write your initial reaction to this chapter, write two questions about this chapter, or identify some examples of figurative language / strong writing that you really like.
  4. Write a "Fight"

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Agenda, April 24

Due Every day: Bring The Book Thief
Due Now: The Book Thief, pages 83-100
Due Tomorrow: The Book Thief, pages 101-117
Today's Learning Targets:
I can use thorough notes on a small group discussion to clarify my own thinking.
I can invent my own interpretation of a "Fight."
  1. What would it be like to burn a book?
  2. Two videos
  3. Reading time / Listening time
  4. Small group discussion notes
  5. Write a "Fight"

Monday, April 23, 2012

Paragraph about Speaker

Directions: Copy the paragraph below exactly, paying particular attention to punctuation. Be sure to complete the last sentence with your own words.

            The speaker in the poem “Fight,” by Laurel Blossom, is the type of person who is honest. This poem captures the differences between two people in a relationship. When she describes their packing habits, she points out that her partner prepares for any situation. Blossom declares, “That is not what I do.” This shows she’s willing to admit that she might not be perfect. In the last stanza, she is describing the most important differences between her and her partner. She says, “You want to get married. I want to be free.” This proves she won’t hide her feelings to protect the feelings of another. Clearly, [finish this paragraph with a sentence of evaluation].

Agenda, April 23

Due Every day: Bring The Book Thief
Due Now: Finish Part One in The Book Thief: Pages 62-80
Due Now: The Book Thief notes
Due Tomorrow: The Book Thief, pages 83-100
Today's Learning Targets:
I can analyze the speaker in a poem.
I can analyze the literary elements in a work of fiction.
I can use thorough notes on a small group discussion to clarify my own thinking.
  1. Collect notes
  2. Speaker in "Fight"
  3. Literary Elements in Part One
  4. Small group discussion notes
  5. Listening / Reading Time

Friday, April 20, 2012

Agenda, April 20

Due Every day: Bring The Book Thief
Due Now: Read "The Kiss" in The Book Thief, pages 45-55. Anticipate a quiz.
Due Now: Completed IVF paragraph, if you didn't finish in class yesterday.
Due Monday: Finish Part One in The Book Thief: Pages 62-80

Today's Learning Targets:
I can recall last night's reading.
I can analyze a chapter for thematic elements.
I can write an IVF summary of a poem.
  1. Quiz
  2. What is theme?
  3. Listening: "The Jesse Owens Incident."  Keep your ears open for theme.
  4. The Book Thief Notes: What is clear to you that is not clear to Rudy?
  5. IVF Summary Review 
  6. "Fight"
  7. IVF Summary

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Agenda, April 19

Due Every day: Bring The Book Thief
Due Tomorrow: Read "The Kiss" in The Book Thief, pages 45-55. Anticipate a quiz.
Due Tomorrow: Completed IVF paragraph, if you didn't finish in class today.

Today's Learning Targets:
I can use a timeline to identify key plot elements in a narrative.
I can write an IVF summary of a poem.
  1. Yesterday's Questions
  2. Listening: "The Woman With the Iron Fist."  Keep your ears open for plot events.
  3. The Book Thief Notes: Create a timeline that includes at least five events in the chapter. Below the timeline, list new characters who are introduced.
  4. "Fast Break"
  5. IVF Summary

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Agenda, April 18

Due Every day: Bring The Book Thief
Due Now: Poetry Worksheets 9 and 10

Today's Learning Targets:
I can evaluate original examples of figurative language.
I can listen for key character details.
I can write an IVF summary of a poem.
  1. Worksheets 9 and 10: Your favorite images.
  2. Yesterday's Questions
  3. Listening: "The Art of Saumensching"  Keep your ears open for character details.
  4. The Book Thief Notes: Write three questions; Write 4 character details about Hans OR Rosa
  5. "Fast Break"
  6. IVF Summary

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Agenda, April 17

Due Every day: Bring The Book Thief
Due Now: Poetry Worksheets 7 and 8 (Period 5 only)
Due Tomorrow: 
Period 4: Poetry Worksheets 7 and 8

Today's Learning Targets:
I can listen to a novel to capture character details.
I can use imagery to interpret the mood of a poem.
I can decipher unusual word order.

  1. Listening: "Arrival on Himmel Street." Keep your ears open for character details.
  2. The Book Thief Notes: Write three questions; Write 4 character details 
  3. Poetry Worksheets 7 and 8
  4. Poetry Worksheets 9 and10 - avoid cliches!
  5. Listening: "The Art of Saumensching"

Monday, April 16, 2012

Agenda, April 16

Due Every day: Bring The Book Thief
Due Now: Poetry Worksheets 7 and 8 (Period 5 only)
Due Tomorrow: 
Period 4: Poetry Worksheets 7 and 8

Today's Learning Targets:
I can express what I know about World War II; I can read with a pencil to add to my knowledge.
I can listen to a novel to develop an accurate interpretation.
I can use imagery to interpret the mood of a poem.
I can decipher unusual word order.

  1. "The Seeds of World War II"
  2. Freewrite #15: Write from the point of view of this guy.
  3. To the library for The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak
  4. Listening: Prologue 
  5. Poetry Worksheets 7 and 8
  6. Poetry Worksheets 9 and10 - avoid cliches!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Agenda, Lucky Friday

Due Every day: Bring your personal reading book.
Due Now: Poetry Worksheets 5 and6
Due Monday: Poetry Worksheets 7 and 8

Today's Learning Targets:
I can use imagery to interpret the mood of a poem.
I can decipher unusual word order.
I can avoid obvious cliches.
  1. Reading time: As you read, look for similes, metaphors, personification, hyperbole, symbolism, alliteration, assonance, and onomatopoeia
  2. Elements of Poetry Review: speaker, stanza, figurative language, mood, repetition
  3. Poetry Challenge #2: Cliche Busting
  4. Correct Poetry Worksheets 5 and 6
  5. Poetry Worksheets 7 and 8

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Agenda, April 12

Due Every day: Bring your personal reading book.
Due Now: Poetry Worksheets 3 and 4
Due Tomorrow: Poetry Worksheets 5 and 6

Today's Learning Targets:
I can identify examples of alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia, and symbolism.
I can practice writing alliteration, assonance, and onomatopoeia.
I can avoid obvious cliches.
  1. Reading time: As you read, look for similes, metaphors, and personification
  2. Elements of Poetry Review: speaker, stanza, hyperbole, personification, onomatopoeia
  3. Poetry Challenge #1: share your poem. If it's not done today, it's due tomorrow.
  4. Correct Poetry Worksheets 3 and 4
  5. Poetry Worksheets 5 and 6
  6. Poetry Challenge #2: Cliche Busting

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Agenda, April 11

Due Every day: Bring your personal reading book.
Due Yesterday: Visual Representation of your object
Due Yesterday: Final draft of essay (we'll have laptops tomorrow). Include rough draft, sentence fluency chart, and peer review.
Due Now: Poetry Worksheets 1 and 2
Due Tomorrow: Poetry Worksheets 3 and 4

Today's Learning Targets:
I can identify and explain hyperbole and personification.
I can practice writing similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia, and parallelism.
I can win a poetry challenge.
  1. Collecting art / essays/ worksheets
  2. Reading time: As you read, look for similes, metaphors, and personification
  3. Elements of Poetry
  4. Poetry Challenge #1: write a poem like "26 Passengers on a Bus," by John Updike, in which each word / line begins with the next letter of the alphabet. Potential subject include good titles for movies, good names for sports teams, animals, foods, sweet nothings, or a subject of your choice   
  5. Poetry Worksheets 3 and 4

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Agenda, April 10

Due Tomorrow: Bring your personal reading book.
Due Now: Visual Representation of your object
Due at the end of class Today: Final draft of essay (we'll have laptops tomorrow). Include rough draft, sentence fluency chart, and peer review.
Due Tomorrow: Poetry Worksheets 1 and 2

Today's Learning Targets:
I can identify similes, metaphors, and personification.
I can practice writing similes, metaphors, and personification.
I can decipher unusual word order in a poem.
  1. Collecting art / essays
  2. Reading time / typing time
  3. Poetry Worksheet 1
  4. Poetry Challenge #1: write a poem like "26 Passengers on a Bus," by John Updike, in which each word / line begins with the next letter of the alphabet. Potential subject include good titles for movies, good names for sports teams, animals, foods, or sweet nothings.  

Monday, April 9, 2012

Agenda, April 9

Due Tomorrow: Bring your personal reading book.
Due Before Break: Bookmark 1 (3/14 - 3/20) 
Due at the end of class Tuesday: Final draft of essay (we'll have laptops tomorrow). Include rough draft, sentence fluency chart, and peer review.
Due at the beginning of class Tuesday: Visual Representation of your object
Today's Learning Targets:
I can work with my classmates to match poetry terms to their definitions.
I can an analyze a poem to win a game.
  1. Collecting art / essays
  2. Freewrite #14: Tell me what you read / did this Spring Break.
  3. Literary Devices Treasure Hunt 
  4. Poetry is a Game