Thursday, March 21, 2013

Agenda, March 22

Do tomorrow: Have a great spring break!

Today's Learning Targets:
I can show what I know on a quiz.
I can have fun with writing.   

I can have fun with words.

  1. Quiz on Comma Rules 1 - 4 and the 14 Most Important Words
  2. Fun with Writing #2
  3. Boggle!

Agenda, March 21

Coming Friday: Quiz on Comma Rules 1 - 4 and the 14 Most Important Words

Today's Learning Targets:
I can recognize and correct errors with the parenthetical comma and commas in direct address.

I can write sentences that correctly use an appositive.
I can use drama to reinforce vocabulary.   

  1. Right or Wrong?
  2. Fit it: parentheticals and direct address
  3. Comma Rule #4: Appositives
  4. Vocab Scene Performances

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Agenda, March 19

Coming Friday: Quiz on Comma Rules 1 - 4 and the 14 Most Important Words

Today's Learning Targets:

I can recognize and correct errors with the serial comma.

I can write ridiculous sentences that correctly use the parenthetical comma / interrupters.
I can connect concrete nouns to abstract concepts.

I can have fun with writing.  

  1. Fix it! Comma Rule #1
  2. Comma Rule #2: Parentheticals / Interrupters
  3. The 14 Most Important Words: Word Association
  4. Fun with Writing #2

Monday, March 18, 2013

Coming Friday: Quiz on Comma Rules 1 - 4 and the 14 Most Important Words

Today's Learning Targets:
I can review comma rules while getting to know new classmates.
I can work with my classmates to find the definitions of important words.
I can have fun with writing.  
  1. Mix and Match
  2. Comma Rule #1
  3. The 14 Most Important Words
  4. Story Cubes

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Agenda, March 12

Due Now: Monster, 238-268 
Due Now: Text Analysis 3: Character's Emotions
Due at the END of class today: Monster essay.
If you missed Friday's quiz, you can take it during Advisory or after school on Wednesday.

Today's Learning Targets:
I can synthesize evidence from the text and my classmates into a compelling argument.
I can use technology to create a polished final draft.
  1. Typing time

Monday, March 11, 2013

Agenda, March 11

Due Tomorrow: Monster, 238-268 
Due Tomorrow: Text Analysis 3: Character's Emotions
Due at the END of class tomorrow: Monster essay.
If you missed Friday's quiz, you can take it during Advisory or after school on Wednesday.

Today's Learning Targets:
I can synthesize evidence from the text and my classmates into a compelling argument.
I can use technology to create a polished final draft.

  1. What is an argument?
  2. Models of excellent answers
  3. Typing time

Friday, March 8, 2013

Agenda, March 8

Due Tuesday: Monster, 238-268
Coming Today: Quiz on Comma Rules 1 - 4

Today's Learning Targets:
I can show what I know on a quiz.
I can work with my classmates to gather convincing evidence.

I can support my opinion with evidence from the text.
I can synthesize evidence from the text and my classmates into a compelling argument.

  1. Quiz!
  2. Text Analysis #3: Characters' Feelings 
  3. Closing Arguments
  4. Essay Expectations
  5. Drafting Time

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Agenda, March 7

Due Now: Monster, 200 -238
Coming Friday: Quiz on Comma Rules 1 - 4

Today's Learning Targets:
I can identify correctly and incorrectly used commas.
I can work with my classmates to gather convincing evidence.

I can support my opinion with evidence from the text.
I can analyze an author's choices to determine his purpose.

  1. Right or Wrong?
  2. 15 minutes of reading / juror's notebook (3 from 200-238)
  3. Guilty or Not Guilty Small Group Discussions
  4. Text Analysis #3: Characters' Feelings

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Agenda, March 6

Due Yesterday:  Monster, pages 127-159
Due Now: Completed Font Choice Handout

Due Tomorrow: Monster, 200 -238
Coming Friday: Quiz on Comma Rules 1 - 4

Today's Learning Targets:
I can correct errors with interrupters and appositives.
I can support my opinion with evidence from the text.
I can demonstrate comprehension through reading aloud.
I can analyze an author's choices to determine his purpose.
  1. Collect Homework
  2. Fix it!
  3. Monster Read Aloud
  4. Text Analysis #3: Bold text

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Agenda, March 5

Due Yesterday: Completed Flashbacks Handout 
Due Yesterday: Quiz
Due Now: 
Monster, pages 127-159
Due Tomorrow: Completed Font Choice Handout
Coming Friday: Quiz on Comma Rules 1 - 4

Today's Learning Targets:
I can recognize sentences that require a comma with direct address.
I can support my opinion with evidence from the text.
I can demonstrate comprehension through reading aloud.
I can analyze an author's choices to determine his purpose.
  1. Collect Homework
  2. Another Quiz?
  3. Juror's Notebook: 3 from 127 - 159
  4. Comma Rule #3: Commas in Direct Address
  5. Monster Read Aloud
  6. Text Analysis #1: Bold text

Monday, March 4, 2013

Agenda, March 4

Due Now: Monster, pages 89-126. Quiz today!
Due Now: Completed Flashbacks Handout

Due Tomorrow:  Monster, pages 127-159

Today's Learning Targets:
I can recognize sentences that require a comma with direct address.
I can support my opinion with evidence from the text.
I can demonstrate comprehension through reading aloud.
I can analyze an author's choices to determine his purpose.

I can synthesize information from text and video to analyze an author's craft. 
  1. Collect Homework
  2. Quiz
  3. Juror's Notebook: 3 from 89 - 126 (I found 6)
  4. Video Analysis
  5. Comma Rule #4: The appositive (or the renamer)
  6. Monster Read Aloud
  7. Text Analysis #1: Bold text

Friday, March 1, 2013

Agenda, March 1

Due Now: Completed character analysis paragraph.
Due Now: Monster, pages 65-88
Due Now: Study Questions 2 (Covers pages 45-88) 

Due Next: Monster, pages 89-126. Quiz Monday?

Due Next: Completed Flashbacks Handout
Today's Learning Targets:
I can create a sentence with a correctly punctuated appositive.
I can support my opinion with evidence from the text.
I can demonstrate comprehension through reading aloud.
I can analyze an author's choices to determine his purpose.
  1. Comma Rule #4: The appositive (or the renamer)
  2. Juror's Notebook: 2 from Osvaldo
  3. Text Analysis #2: Flashbacks 
  4. Monster Read Aloud
  5. Text Analysis #1: Bold text