Sunday, March 15, 2015

Post Your Song and Artist Here!

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  1. I have a lot of favorite songs. One of my favorite is I bet my life by Imagine Dragons. The reason I like the song is because it is catchy. Also the song isn't just saying some random things at parts of it, it actually has a piont to it and makes sense.

  2. Dentalfloss Per. IIMarch 17, 2015 at 9:04 PM

    I don't really have a favorite song. Although if I had to pick one it would be "Walk the Line" by Johnny Cash because it is catchy.

  3. Andrew Anderson P.2March 20, 2015 at 8:26 AM

    I like "Carry on my wayward son" by Kansas. Because it has a really cool background part and Ilit has a cool piano part.

  4. I know im not the only on by Sam smith

  5. I like any kind of music and couldn't pick a single song. There are too many! But I like music that either has a good beat or I can really understand

  6. One of my favorite songs is "the drug in me is you" for it's catchiness and meaning behind the lyrics.

  7. My favorite song is Bills by Lunchmoney Lewis because its catchy and it has a nice rhythm. I also like that it has piano in it.

  8. Hailey Alexander p.2March 21, 2015 at 9:11 AM

    My favorite song is "uptown funk" by Bruno Mars. Because it's upbeat and if your in a bad mood it will cheer you up.

  9. My favorite song would be The Joker by Steve Miller Band. I like this song because it reminds me a lot of my mom, just because she used to listen to it all the time.

  10. My favorite song would probably be take me to church by hozier. I love this song because it has an amazing beat and i LOVE his voice. The song just makes me happy and i love singing along to it.

  11. One of my favorite song would be right hand of god by Behemoth. The way the lead guitarist shreds and plays scales fills me with excitement, also how hard the drums sound. It's a major adrenaline rush when I truly focus on the arpeggio and scale, the way it flows and the feelings that go through my body.
