Thursday, October 25, 2012

"Fix the Appositive" Solutions

There are many solutions to these problems; I've only included one for each sentence.

Incorrect: My coach, his name is Casey, he told me to shoot lower at the goal.
Correct: My coach, Casey, told me to shoot lower at the goal.

Incorrect: Lionel Messi, A small and fast man, that’s the best soccer player in the world.
Correct: Lionel Messi, a small and fast man, is the best soccer player in the world.

Incorrect: Adrian Peterson, is amazing at football, is a beast.
Correct: Adrian Peterson, an amazing football player, is a beast.
Incorrect: My brother, who is awesome, is awesome.
Correct: My brother, an awesome person, is awesome.

Incorrect: My cat, who is incredibly lazy, loves to sleep.
Correct: My cat, an incredibly lazy pet, loves to sleep.

Incorrect: My dog, who is big and stupid, always makes me happy when I’m sad.
Correct: My dog, a big and stupid animal, always makes me happy when I'm sad.

Incorrect: My friend Veronica, is a very silly person, who plays with her retainer the whole clas.
Correct: My friend, Veronica, is a very silly person who plays with her retainer the whole class.

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