Monday, November 28, 2011

Agenda, November 29

Due Now: Bring your planner to class.
Due Wednesday: Parent Signature on Syllabus

Due Wednesday: Post a friendly comment to the blog (for example, ask a question, tell me your favorite word, or post an interesting link).

  1. Planner Check
  2. How to post
  3. 10 minutes of nametag time: Your name needs to be large and easy to read, use at least three symbols to explain your personality, use color.
  4. What's a paragraph?
  5. Grammar Decoder Practice
  6. Nametag Paragraph: Skip lines. Use your best spelling, grammar, punctuation, and handwriting. Aim for a 5 in Ideas and Content.


  1. hi this is lindsay brawn period 4
    millennium is probably my favorite word at the moment it is so interesting and makes me feel smart.

  2. Hi I just posted on ur site

  3. Mr Kline is a superfantasticly awesome and magical teacher!

  4. I'm magical? Rock on!

    Future posters: there's no need to suck up! Also, be sure to use your best spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

  5. My favorite color is blue. My favorite TV show is Psych because they have a great sense of humor.

  6. You are my favorite teacher, and my favorite class this tri.

  7. Do we have any speeches this trimester?

  8. Mr.Kline ROCKSSSS!!

  9. I like english with you. You are my favorite teacher.

  10. i love the fact that you wear convers. there my favorite shoe.. hhahah i already like you as a teacher.. your really cool:) and you got a fun personality.. hahah
