Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Agenda, January 19

Late:  Complete and organized Fahrenheit 451 journals.
Coming Tuesday: Quiz on Part 2 of Fahrenheit 451.
Due Tomorrow: Fahrenheit 451, pages 71-80

Today's Learning Targets:  
  • I can show what I know on a quiz
  • I can use a journal to keep track of big ideas.
  • I can closely read a complex text.
  • I can write thoughtful questions.
  • I can make connections between Bradbury's world and our world
Today's Agenda
  1. Review time
  2. Quiz
  3. Journal #12: Thin, Thick, and Deep questions
  4. Independent Reading
  5. "To Read or Not To Read"
  6. 120 seconds of video about Fahrenheit 451

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