Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Agenda, January 12

Due today at the beginning of class: Fahrenheit 451, pages 28-40.  
Due tomorrow at the beginning of class: Fahrenheit 451, pages 40-52.

Today's Learning Targets:  
  • I can use a journal to keep track of big ideas.
  • I can practice the skills good readers use.
  • I can work with a group to explore the advantages and disadvantages of technology. 
Today's Agenda
  1. Foils, Connotations, Motif
  2. Journal #8: Technology today, tomorrow, and in Fahrenheit 451
  3. Kline Reads aloud
  4. Journal #9: Question, Predict, Connect, Evaluate, Summarize
  5. 120 seconds of video about Fahrenheit 451

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