Sunday, January 31, 2016

Agenda, Febraury 1

Late: Completed Comic Strip
Late: Storyboard or Summary

Coming Friday: Fahrenheit 451 Test
This week's reading schedule:
  • Monday: 129-139
  • Tuesday: 139-145
  • Wednesday: 145-155
  • Thursday: 155-165
  • Friday: Test! Woo hoo!  
Today's Learning Targets:   
  • I can use a journal to keep track of big ideas.
  • I can closely read a complex text.
  • I can analyze characters using literary terms.
  • I can analyze connotations and connect them to an author's purpose.
Today's Agenda
  1. Literary Terms Review
  2. Read Aloud
  3. Journal #20: Three Connotations
  4. Journal #21: Flat, Round, Static, Dynamic
  5. 120 seconds of video about Fahrenheit 451

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Agenda, January 28

Late: Completed Comic Strip
Late: Storyboard or Summary

Today's Learning Targets:  

  • I can use a journal to keep track of big ideas.
  • I can closely read a complex text.
  • I can use a graphic organizer to capture plot and big ideas.
Today's Agenda
  2. Read Aloud
  3. Journal #19: Plot and Big Ideas 
  4. 120 seconds of video about Fahrenheit 451

Agenda, January 27

Late: Quiz on Part 2 of Fahrenheit 451  
Late: Completed Comic Strip
Due in 15 minutes: Storyboard or Summary

Today's Learning Targets:  

  • I can use a journal to keep track of big ideas.
  • I can closely read a complex text.
  • I can use a graphic organizer to capture plot and big ideas.
Today's Agenda
  1. 15 minutes of catch-up time
  2. Journal #18: Why is Part 3 called Burning Bright
  3. Read Aloud
  4. Journal #19: Plot and Big Ideas
  5. 120 seconds of video about Fahrenheit 451

Monday, January 25, 2016

Agenda, January 26

Coming Today: Quiz on Part 2 of Fahrenheit 451 Due Now: Completed Comic Strip

Today's Learning Targets:  

  • I can use a journal to keep track of big ideas.
  • I can closely read a complex text.
  • I can summarize the main ideas of a complex text.
Today's Agenda

  1. A letter from my friend Steven
  2. Part 2 Quiz
  3. Journal #17: 6 important plot events
  4. Storyboard or IVF Summary
  5. 120 seconds of video about Fahrenheit 451

Friday, January 22, 2016

Agenda, January 22

Coming Tuesday: Quiz on Part 2 of Fahrenheit 451
Due Tuesday: Fahrenheit 451, pages 102-110

Due Tuesday: Completed Comic Strip

Today's Learning Targets:  

  • I can use a journal to keep track of big ideas.
  • I can closely read a complex text.
  • I can make inferences about characters based on their dialogue.
  • I can make connections between Bradbury's world and our world.
Today's Agenda
  1. Journal #16: Faber claims that his society isn't missing books; instead, it's missing three elements that books help provide: quality and texture of information, leisure time to think, and the right to act to make changes based on the first two elements. In your life, do you have those three elements? If so, provide examples. If not, what are the obstacles?
  2. Character Comic Strips
  3. 120 seconds of video about Fahrenheit 451

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Agenda, January 21

Late:  Complete and organized Fahrenheit 451 journals
Coming Tuesday: Quiz on Part 2 of Fahrenheit 451
Due Tomorrow: Fahrenheit 451, pages 91-102 (stop after "There was no sound")

Today's Learning Targets:  

  • I can use a journal to keep track of big ideas.
  • I can closely read a complex text.
  • I can write thoughtful questions.
  • I can make connections between Bradbury's world and our world
Today's Agenda
  1. Independent Reading
  2. Journal #14: Three more Thin, Thick, and Deep questions. Label the question by question type and include the page number
  3. Journal #15: "Look Up," by Gary Turk
  4. 120 seconds of video about Fahrenheit 451

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Agenda, January 20

Late:  Complete and organized Fahrenheit 451 journals.
Coming Tuesday: Quiz on Part 2 of Fahrenheit 451.
Due Tomorrow: Fahrenheit 451, pages 80-91

Today's Learning Targets:  

  • I can use a journal to keep track of big ideas.
  • I can closely read a complex text.
  • I can write thoughtful questions.
  • I can make connections between Bradbury's world and our world
Today's Agenda
  1. Independent Reading
  2. Journal #13: Three more Thin, Thick, and Deep questions. Label the question by question type and include the page number
  3. Partner Reading: "To Read or Not To Read"
  4. 120 seconds of video about Fahrenheit 451

Agenda, January 19

Late:  Complete and organized Fahrenheit 451 journals.
Coming Tuesday: Quiz on Part 2 of Fahrenheit 451.
Due Tomorrow: Fahrenheit 451, pages 71-80

Today's Learning Targets:  
  • I can show what I know on a quiz
  • I can use a journal to keep track of big ideas.
  • I can closely read a complex text.
  • I can write thoughtful questions.
  • I can make connections between Bradbury's world and our world
Today's Agenda
  1. Review time
  2. Quiz
  3. Journal #12: Thin, Thick, and Deep questions
  4. Independent Reading
  5. "To Read or Not To Read"
  6. 120 seconds of video about Fahrenheit 451

Friday, January 15, 2016

Agenda, January 15

Due Now:  Complete and organized Fahrenheit 451 journals.
Coming Tuesday: Quiz on Part 1 of Fahrenheit 451.
Today's Learning Targets:  

  • I can use a journal to keep track of big ideas.
  • I can closely read a complex text.
Today's Agenda
  1. Kline Reads Aloud
  2. 120 seconds of video about Fahrenheit 451

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Agenda, January 14

Due tomorrow: Fahrenheit 451 journals will be graded. Make sure they're complete and organized.

Today's Learning Targets:  

  • I can use a journal to keep track of big ideas.
  • I can closely read a complex text.

Today's Agenda
  1. Foils, Connotations, Motif
  2. Ten minutes on Journal #8 & 10
  3. Journal #11: Pick one topic - Describe your happiness. How important is it to be happy? OR What kind of difficult things do you do (music, drawing, athletics)? Why do people do difficult things?
  4. Kline Reads Aloud
  5. 120 seconds of video about Fahrenheit 451

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Agenda, January 13

Due tomorrow at the beginning of class: Fahrenheit 451, pages 40-52.

Today's Learning Targets:  

  • I can use a journal to keep track of big ideas.
  • I can practice the skills good readers use.

Today's Agenda
  1. Foils, Connotations, Motif
  2. Journal #9 (continued): Question, Predict, Connect, Evaluate, Summarize
  3. Kline Reads aloud
  4. Journal #8: Technology today, tomorrow, and in Fahrenheit 451
  5. 120 seconds of video about Fahrenheit 451

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Agenda, January 12

Due today at the beginning of class: Fahrenheit 451, pages 28-40.  
Due tomorrow at the beginning of class: Fahrenheit 451, pages 40-52.

Today's Learning Targets:  
  • I can use a journal to keep track of big ideas.
  • I can practice the skills good readers use.
  • I can work with a group to explore the advantages and disadvantages of technology. 
Today's Agenda
  1. Foils, Connotations, Motif
  2. Journal #8: Technology today, tomorrow, and in Fahrenheit 451
  3. Kline Reads aloud
  4. Journal #9: Question, Predict, Connect, Evaluate, Summarize
  5. 120 seconds of video about Fahrenheit 451

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Agenda, January 11

Due today at the beginning of class: Fahrenheit 451, pages 18-28.  
Due tomorrow at the beginning of class: Fahrenheit 451, pages 28-40. 
Today's Learning Targets: 
  • I can use a journal to keep track of big ideas.
  • I can practice the skills good readers use.
  • I can work with a group to explore the advantages and disadvantages of technology. 
Today's Agenda

  1. Flat, Round, Static, Dynamic Characters
  2. Review Journal #6
  3. Kline Reads aloud
  4. Journal #7: Four Questions
  5. Journal #8: Technology today, tomorrow, and in Fahrenheit 451
  6. 120 seconds of video about Fahrenheit 451

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Agenda, January 8

Due today at the beginning of class: Fahrenheit 451, pages 11-18.
Due Monday at the beginning of class: Fahrenheit 451, pages 18-28. 

Today's Learning Targets: 
  • I can use a journal to keep track of big ideas.
  • I can practice the skills good readers use.
  • I can identify examples of a variety of character types.
  • I can actively participate in a small group discussion. 
Today's Agenda
  1. Flat, Round, Static, Dynamic Characters
  2. Independent Reading Time
  3. Small group discussions
  4. Journal #6: Notes on your discussion 
  5. 120 seconds of video about Fahrenheit 451 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Agenda, January 7

Late: Typed final draft with all drafting materials (rough draft, original freewrite, completed plot pyramid, three openings exercise, mood paragraph, and revision exercises).  Due Tomorrow at the beginning of class: Fahrenheit 451, pages 11-18.
Today's Learning Targets:
  • I can use a journal to keep track of big ideas.
  • I can practice the skills good readers use.
  • I can analyze an author's techniques of characterization
Today's Agenda
  1. Journal #4: Elements of Literature (Round characters, flat characters, static characters, dynamic characters, direct characterization, indirect characterization, motif, connotation)
  2. Independent Reading Time
  3. Kline reads aloud
  4. Journal #5: Things you think
  5. 120 seconds of video about Fahrenheit 451 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Agenda, January 6

Late: Typed final draft with all drafting materials (rough draft, original freewrite, completed plot pyramid, three openings exercise, mood paragraph, and revision exercises). 
Due Tomorrow at the beginning of class: Fahrenheit 451, pages 3-11.
Today's Learning Targets:
  • I can use a journal to keep track of big ideas.
  • I can practice the skills good readers use.
Today's Agenda

  1. What if?
  2. To the Library!
  3. Kline reads aloud
  4. 120 seconds of video about Fahrenheit 451 

Monday, January 4, 2016

Agenda, January 5

Late: Typed final draft with all drafting materials (rough draft, original freewrite, completed plot pyramid, three openings exercise, mood paragraph, and revision exercises).  

Today's Learning Targets:
  • I can use a journal to collect my thoughts on big ideas.
  • I can use the plot pyramid to analyze a short video.
  • I can state a claim and support it with two pieces of evidence.
  • I can actively participate in a whole class discussion.
Today's Agenda
  1. Journal #1: Describe the world you'll live in when you're an adult. Think about your home, your family, your job, transportation, technology, and the environment. Will the world be a better place when you're an adult. Why do you think so?
  2. Quick review of The Plot Pyramid
  3. 2+2=5
  4. Whole class discussion