Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Agenda, September 27

Do Every Day: Read 30 (15 in class and 15 or more at home). Be sure to mark your reading on your bookmark as you finish.
Due Now: Bookmark 1. Don't forget your Wondrous Words. 
Week 2: 9/27 - 10/3

Today's learning targets:
I can correct errors with the parenthetical comma.
I can compare and contrast videos made in different time periods.
I can make predictions based on videos. 
I can use the grammar decoder to correct my own errors.
I can read for pleasure.

  1. Personal Reading
  2. Comma Rule #2: The Parenthetical Comma 
  3. "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" Preview #1
  4. "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" Preview #2
  5. Venn Diagram and Prediction Paragraph
  6. Read "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" 
  7. Grammar Decoder Practice


  1. Wasn't at school today, is there anything I can do? And was there any homework?

    1. We got new bookmarks today. Keep track of tonight's reading on a sheet of binder paper and you can add it to the new bookmark tomorrow. We also practiced writing three sentences with parentheticals. Finally, we watched the two previews listed in the agenda (click on Preview #1 and Preview #2 to watch them). We made a venn diagram comparing/contrasting the two videos and then wrote a paragraph predicting what the story "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" will be about.

      Hope you're feeling better tomorrow!
