Monday, January 23, 2012

Agenda, January 23

Due Every Day: Bring your personal reading book.
Due Every Day: Read at least 30 minutes per day, seven days per week. Mark your bookmark when you finish.
Late: Parent Signature on Tuesday Triage Announcement.

Due Wednesday: Bookmark 3, front and back. Be accurate with your recording.
Tomorrow: If you're coming to Tuesday Triage, bring your personal reading book and something to work on (a story or paragraph to revise, for example).
Today's Learning Goals:
I can identify the mood in a work of fiction.
I can identify strong word choices in a work of fiction.
I can write a paragraph that incorporates strong word choices to create a mood.

Unit Goals: 
I can incorporate the elements of literature into my own fictional narrative.

  1. Reading time
  2. Mood video (if time allows)
  3. Mood as a whole class
  4. Mood in small groups
  5. Word choice in small groups
  6. Write a Mood Paragraph.
  7. Model Bookmark EC, if time allows

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