Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Agenda, November 30

Due Now: Parent Signature on Syllabus
Due Now: Post a friendly comment to the blog (for example, ask a question, tell me your favorite word, or post an interesting link). 

Due Now: Put your nametag on your desk where I can see your name.
Due Tomorrow: Revised Nametag Paragraph. You may make the changes right on the paper you turned in yesterday. If you rewrite it completely, staple the new copy on top of the old one. 
  1. Nametag Check
  2. Any stray paragraphs?
  3. What's a paragraph? What's a topic sentence? Will this be on the quiz?
  4. Freewrite #2: Tell me about a snow day, real or imagined.
  5. Elements of Literature
  6. The Plot Pyramid in small groups


  1. Kline is my favorite english teacher !!

  2. Thanks! Future posters: no need to suck up! Also, be sure to use your best spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

  3. Mr. Kline is an awesome teacher.

  4. Hello Professor Kline, Parker Riggs here. I'm really looking forward to this class as it progresses throughout the year. You seem like a pretty cool teacher and for once English has been rather enjoyable me, so thank you for that.

  5. I really hate freewrites!

  6. Kline I hope to get to know you during two trimesters since i have you in two trimesters and since i met you you've been a great teacher to me and very respectful so i will do the same to you and one question lets hope its appropriate do you have a family like wife and kids and are you a religious or a believen god im just wondering so hope you can answer my questions.

  7. You're a pretty cool teacher so far.

  8. M favorite word is hey.!

  9. I am excited for English, even though I don't like to write.

  10. Mr. Kline is very nice.

  11. I met the red box! Ahhhh

  12. English class is interesting.
