Due Every day: Bring The Book Thief
Due Now: The Book Thief Study Questions
Due Now: The Book Thief, pages 173-204
Due Tomorrow: The Book Thief, pages 205-238
Due Tuesday: Pre-AP Vocab
Due Tuesday: Pre-AP Vocab
Coming May 7-9: OAKS Reading Test
Today's Learning Targets:
I can connect to literature.
I can identify and evaluate poetic writing in a novel.
I can analyze a poem for theme.
- 10 minutes of catch-up time (listed in order of importance): Finish "Fight" poem; finish study questions, read ahead.
- Book Thief Notes 2: 1) Write about a promise you have kept or broken. You may write this as a narrative or a poem. 2) Would you have been able to keep Hans's promise?
- Listening: Pay attention to beautiful language.
- Book Thief Notes 2: Three examples of original writing.
- "How to Change a Frog Into a Prince"
- IVF on theme